Welcome to IWPedigrees.com,
the Irish Wolfhound Pedigree Database site !

Sorry, this site is currently shutdown.

This is the original IWPedigrees website that was launched in 2001 and since then has served as a resource to Irish Wolfhound breeders worldwide. Please, do not confuse this website with some other websites of a similar name that try to imitate the original IWPedigrees.com.

Since its inception many years ago the IWPedigrees website has gone through several important changes, it now uses the proprietary Nana Pedigree Database Program, which was created exclusively for IWPedigrees. The program also includes an original graphic design.

The IWPedigrees database now contains more than 124,000 carefully proofread Irish Wolfhound pedigrees and extends beyond the pedigrees and potential-mating pedigrees. Our program allows further interesting and helpful study of ancestors, siblings, offspring and other features, including an on-line inbreeding coefficient calculation. IWPedigrees data is regularly proofread and updated, the number of pedigrees is constantly growing and the programming improvements continue.

The IWPedigrees.com website is intended for reputable breeders who are concerned with the betterment of the breed. It is not a "robotic" website, personal attention is required for the management of this website and the communication with IWPedigrees members is mostly "personal". Naturally it follows that membership is limited and by subscription.

The IWPedigrees database is not available as a source of data for other databases and membership is not available to people who have their own databases.

Banner by Nikki L. Ragsdale, One Source Graphics
Celtic clip art licensed from Aon Celtic Art.
Copyright © 2001 IWPedigrees.com, All Rights Reserved.